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Sunday school is offered at 9:15 followed by our weekly worship at 10:30. The worship service lasts approximately 75 minutes. On the first Sunday of the month we observe the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper which causes the service to be extended.
Our nursery (self-serve basis) is provided for children four years of age and under, however we encourage families to integrate children into the worship service as early as possible so they can learn the routine of worship. We encourage you to discuss with them after the service and throughout the week what was included in the children’s sermon, Sunday school lesson and also the regular sermon. There is a very simple suggestion for devotions in the bulletin weekly
When training children to participate in corporate worship, feel free to bring crayons or other resources because children often can listen well when their hands are occupied. If they become very noisy and persistently distracting to others, we understand and approve if you wish to remove them at times while they are learning to be still, but please do not give up on your efforts to integrate them. We are a family and that includes our youngest members as well.
The 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, we have Family Night. We meet to share a meal together and study the Bible. Everyone is welcome!
Our youth group meets twice monthly for Bible study, and there are adult small group Bible studies. You may see one of the pastors to request information on them if you are interested. We also have an annual vacation Bible school in the summer.
Our deacons provide meals for those recovering from serious illness and also attempt to keep up with shut-ins and widows. If you could assist in that ministry, they would appreciate hearing from you.
We have a two-fold emphasis in missions centering around two organizations. First, we support monthly two pastors with Forgotten Missionaries International. This agency offers education and support for pastors in regions where the culture is predominantly non-Christian and even hostile to Christians. In these lands, American missionaries would not be well received and would be very costly in their support. FMI uses pastors who are from the region and lends them support until their congregations (often very poor people) can support them. We also have provided funding for numerous church buildings for FMI congregations.
Our second main missions emphasis is our involvement with the Global Aid Network. GAiN collects resources – anything from clothing to seeds to wheelchairs to motorbikes, etc., to help those who are in need in the world. They partner with churches in the countries where they are active so that the Gospel may be presented along side the tangible evidence of God’s care. Our youth group (and some adults) have spent numerous weeks working at the Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania warehouse processing donations.
We have grown fond of using resources from Matthias Media called "Christianity Explored" and "Discipleship Explored" which in a kind and gentle way explain who Christ is and invite those who are not presently following Him to trust Him as Savior and Lord. If you are interested in participating in one of these classes, please inform one of our pastors.
Christianity Explored