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Membership is open to those who credibly profess Jesus as Lord and Savior and truly want to devote themselves to serving Him as a lifestyle. Membership signifies a real connection to the body of Christ. Therefore members should be regular in worship, in observing the sacraments, in living the Christian life, in using their spiritual gifts to serve the body of Christ, in being a witness to the wider community, in prayer, etc. Members must agree to the doctrinal standards of the congregation and accept the leadership God has appointed here.
In order to prepare for membership, teens over the age of fourteen undergo a 25 week confirmation class in which they learn the doctrines of the Belgic Confession and how those truths apply to daily living. Adults who are coming from another congregation participate in a 6-part new members class to orient them to the life and work and belief of this congregation. All new members meet with the elders and in their own words tell of their relationship with Christ their Savior. Those interviews are characterized by warmth and joy as God adds to our number.
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